You were walking down the street
You were just across the street
So I had to cross the street
To get to your side of the street
It's torture, it's torture
I need you so bad girl
It's torturing me
You scorcher, you scorcher,
Fried egg on your face girl
You're scorching me
Be my, be my,
Be my dark angel
Be my, be my
Capri sun
Be my, be my
Vicious and evil one
Be my dark angel - Electric Six
Verborreado por electrofracote às 00:09 | 2 postas de pescada
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2 postas de pescada:
Posted by Olivia_palito #
scorch (BURN)
verb [I or T]
to (cause to) change colour with dry heat, or to burn slightly:
The iron was too hot and he scorched the shirt.
The surrounding buildings were scorched by the heat of the explosion.
noun [C]
The fire left scorch marks halfway up the wall.
slightly burnt, or damaged by fire or heat:
The countryside was scorched after several weeks of hot sun.
an extremely hot and sunny day:
Yesterday was a real scorcher.
adjective, adverb (ALSO scorching hot)
very hot:
a scorching summer day
It was scorching hot inside the greenhouse.
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